Friday, July 11, 2014

Whitefish Chain 7/10/14

What is that over there??? That's rain...holy shit! That was the short conversation in our boat just before we got soaked. Turns out some other boats had a similar conversation. The rain came on hard, and then let up enough to get fish measured. This morning the sheets were dried out enough to add everything up, and it was pretty ugly points wise. There was no place to park at the landing, so there was either another league fishing last night, or there were a whole bunch of other people duped into thinking the fish were biting. I know those of us that pre-fished had a much better night that we did last night, so I guess we've learned our the pre-fishing until league night, and you'll do much better.

We're half way done with the season already, and after last night we have a new leader. Brandon and Steve took over first place from Joe and Dustin by 5 points, so it should be an interesting 2nd half. There was also a tie for big fish of the night with a whopping 23 inch pike...pathetic. Brent and Dan won the night with 26 points. Not bad for a chain without fish in it.

Click HERE for the standings.
Click HERE for the event detail.

We are on Inguadonna on the 24th. The elusive Musky will come into play on that lake. Minimum size is 48 inches, and that is a 7 point fish. If it's 47.99 inches it doesn't count. If you catch a Musky that is over 48 inches, call another league boat to verify it. The lake isn't that big so someone can get to you rather quickly. Measure it, take a picture, and then release it. I hope someone catches one.

I'll see you on the water!

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