Thursday, August 4, 2016

Rabbit - Seventh Event - 8/4-16

Oh, that pesky wabbit. Windy, buggy, weedy; is it me or are there more weeds in Rabbit than ever before? We never got out of the west bowl, so maybe it's just where we were. Also, there has been a 24 to 36 inch slot for pike on that lake for a long time, so where are all of the big pike? There were very few caught tonight, with only one in the slot at 28 inches, and Sam said that was not a healthy fish. Something is going on with that lake, and I don't think it's good. This year we had two more boats fishing it compared to last year, but this year we only managed 98 points; last year we had 139. I know there was a cold front that moved through (pretty big understatement) last night, but that's a big point difference considering we had two more boats. Anyway, it is what it is, but I'd like to see that lake make a comeback next year. 

Tonight, Sam and Mike scored their first win of the year with 23 points followed closely by Mark and Craig with 21. Big fish went to Sam and Mike as well with that sick 28 inch pike.

My favorite lake (not) of the year is in two weeks on the 18th. We're losing time, so we fish from 5:30 to 8:30 on North fricken Long, and my partner is conveniently out of town...ok, he's taking his daughter to school in Colorado, but still, it's an asshole move to take one point from me.

For the updated standings, click HERE.
For the event detail, click HERE.

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