Friday, July 7, 2017

Event #5 - Whitefish Chain - 7/6/2017

I could start out by bitching about having to be towed in because my $750 repair bill on fixing reverse made things worse; or because when I started the motor to head in at the end of the night, all of a sudden reverse I had (for the first time in a year and a half) but not forward (which I've had forever); or I could bitch about how windy it was, which you've heard me rant about in the past. I could start out that way, but instead, I'd like to thank Bart & Derrick, and everyone else that was headed my to help, for towing us in. If that was going to happen, I'm glad it happened on a league night, because I knew I'd be well taken care of. Thanks again guys!

So, about last night. First of all, like I said it was windier than the last time I bitched about the wind, but it does force us to make some interesting decisions. Do we fish the windward side like all of the experts tell us to to and get the shit kicked out of us, or do we take the wuss approach and head to the safety of the opposite shoreline? It looked like there were only 2 wusses, leaving 11 that decided to get the shit kicked out of them when the horn sounded starting the event. 

With the Whitefish Chain in our review mirror for now, it marks the middle of our season. Five down; five to go as we've reached the halfway point. And, keeping with the trend this year, we've had our fifth winner as Bart & Derrick scored 27 points without any bonus points for big fish...that doesn't happen very often. They did score a tri-fecta because of a 22.25 inch pike, so good for them. Without the tri-fecta and that pike, they would have been tied for 4th last night. We do have a repeat winner for biggest fish of the night though; me! (and my net men) We caught a 27.25 inch pike, which for Whitefish, is pretty big these days: unfortunately! 

We're headed to Woman in two weeks. Should be interesting. I know there are a few of us than haven't fished it, and probably won't get the chance to do so until that night. It will be a bit of a haul for all of us, because you just can't get to Longville very easily. Woman will be our last 3.5 hour event for the year; they'll be 3 hours starting with Rabbit.

See you on Woman! (that sounds kinda cave man like)

For updated standings click HERE.
For event detail click HERE.

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