Sunday, June 9, 2019

Week Two - Pelican Lake - 6/6/2019

I actually didn't hear how a lot of the fish were caught, because the mosquitoes were so thick, that every time you'd opened your mouth, one would fly in. I didn't have that problem though because of my stogie. So, if the rest of you wimps would man up and smoke your own, you wouldn't have to stand so close to me, and maybe, just maybe, the skeeters would have a hard time penetration our inner circle. Given the chance that you can't smoke one without puking your guts out, I'll bring my fogger to Edward on Thursday.

There were less fish caught than there were on Gull, but Pelican is usually a friggn bitch when it comes to wind, and we didn't have to deal with any at all. I'll take less fish any day and not deal with wind than fight it all night long. Last weeks point winners (team asshole) left without collecting their money, and the big fish guys (Chad & Dad) didn't bother to show up, so the rest of us went to Andy's in Crosslake and closed the place down because everything we ordered didn't cost us a thing. Ya can't beat the mushrooms at Andy's, and they tasted even better since they were free. Thanks guys!

So, last years champions pulled off the win on Pelican by catching one Walleye...the only Walleye caught that night, and it was enough to put them over the top. Not only that, they are now in first place, so maybe last year wasn't a fluke, as much as I hate to admit that. It's a long season though, so the rest of us have plenty of time to take those mofos down. Big fish pot went to Jamie & Chuck with a 30.75 inch pike. All in all, except for the skeeters, a good time was had by most.

Next up in Edward, this coming Thursday the 13th. CU then.

For current standings, click HERE
For event detail, click HERE

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