Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Week Four S/B Week Five - Whitefish Chain 7/18/19

So I was thinking to myself just the other day, 'hey you cranky fat old bastard, why do you keep writing this blog, when the outcome is the same every week?' Good question, and maybe I should contact Heather Brown at WCCO and ask her the same thing. Because you see, team asshole came, they saw, and they kicked ass; again. Different lake; same result. This time on our beloved Whitefish Chain, that was guarded at the Hay Lake Access by some Rip Van-winkle looking dude with a clip board and yellow vest, asking us where our boat was last, and where we're going next. You know, that really bugs me. Why are they allowed to ask that question, make note of it on an Ipad, and compile a data base with you and your boat on it? I find no where in the Minnesota boating regulations, where it says they have the right to take down this information. We are responsible for making sure our shit is drained, plug is out, etc. But I for one think it's an invasion of our privacy to ask these questions. Last week I was talking with Mark about the loss of his Uncle, and I over hear this dude talking with Matt, my partner that evening, say; and I quote: "well, the longer he bullshits, the longer this will take, and the longer this takes, the less you'll be fishing." F#*K HIM. By what authority does he have the right to keep me from fishing on public waters, at a public landing, paid for by public funds that I contribute to? these over paid power gone to their head assholes have the right to do that? I for one am going to ask that question on Roosevelt tomorrow night. I'll ask politely, but I'm tired of feeling like I'm not welcome on my public lakes anymore, because I have the same rights to that water as any lake shore owner does, regardless of how much they paid for their home. Imagine how someone out of state feels. We'll take your tourism dollars, but don't leave a fucking weed on your boat, because the landing warriors will put a bad mark on your record. Big brother is everywhere, and I've had enough of this shit. But I digress. Back to team asshole.

They really are tearing it up this year, and I guess it's time to pay respect where respect is due. Jason & Brett are welcome additions to our league, and congratulations on your points lead. You seem to have this fishing thing figured out, and for that I salute you. But the competitor in me, wants to launch a RPG into that fancy daddy boat of yours, you team asshole you. But I digress. Again, congratufuckinglations. But, they did not win the big fish pot this time, so there! That honor went to Mark & Luther with a 27 inch pike.

From everyone at the Fish It Live It League, our condolences go out to the Wallin family on the loss of Joe Wallin.

The Roosevelt rain out is up next, which is tomorrow, so I'll see you then.

For updated standings, click HERE.
For event detail, click HERE.

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