Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Week Nine - Rice Lake/Mississippi River - 9/5/201

It was a pretty typical night on one of our favorite places to fish. Some caught pretty big fish, while others struggled. There were even two Wallaye caught, so consider yourself lucky because that doesn't happen very often. The wind picked up with about an hour left on the clock. It didn't help or hurt me and netboy, cause I really suck at fishing and apparently netting too. So, because of that smart ass remark about my netting skills, netboy wil be fishing with rod that has been shoved up his ass.

It has really tightened up at the top of the leader board. Right now, Troy and Ryan are trailing team dickhead by only six points, but after throwing out the worst score of the year, team dickhead is up by 16, which is certainly easy to make up on a lake like the WF chain.

Sam and Brian were the big winners for the night. They not only won the event with 33 points, but won the big fish pot with a 30.75 inch pike. I think they shall be called team prick!

Since I'm writing this the day before we fish our last event on the WF chain, here is what's going to happen if the weather is bad tomorrow night. First of all, if there is lightening when we are scheduled to start fishing at 4:00, we will not fish. If there are high winds gusting to 25-30 mph, we will not fish. The make up date in case of inclement weather is the following Thursday, September 20th from 4:00-7:30. I will let you know by 2:00 pm if we're going to fish or not tomorrow night. If the 20th get's rained out, the season is over. The winning event money as well as the big fish pot, will go towards a party at Moonlight bay the night of the 20th. Let's hope we're fishing.

For updated standings, click HERE
For event detail, click HERE

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