Saturday, May 2, 2020

2020 Fishing Season is Here!

Well, this Co Vid 19 shit sucks. We weren't able to have a spring meeting this year, so here's what we're doing. We're starting the season on the 14th, with our first outing being on Gull. We'll use the 371 landing this year, because the road from Holiday to Grandview is pretty torn up. I would like everyone to bring a check this year for the entry fee, which is $150 per boat. Make the check payable to Brad Wallace. The payout schedule and league rules can be found by clicking HERE. If the new guys have any questions or concerns, tough shit; deal with it. Or if you can't figure something out, text or call me. Woman is out this year, and I've replaced it with Thunder, which is about 10 minutes farther north of Roosevelt. I've never been on it, but I've heard good things, so we'll see. That's is the schedule for 2020:

May 14th         Gull                6:00-9:00  371 Landing (road work from Holiday to Grandview)
May 28th         Pelican           6:00-9:30  Stewart’s Bay Landing
June 11th         Edward          6:00-9:30        
June 25th         Roosevelt      6:00-9:30
July 23rd         Whitefish       6:00-9:30  Lower Hay Lake Landing
July 30th          Rabbit             6:00-9:00
August 13th    Thunder         6:00-9:00
August 27th    N Long           5:30-8:30
Sept 3rd           Rice                4:00-8:00
Sept 10th         Whitefish       4:00-8:00  West Shore Drive Landing on Cross Lake

Here are the make-up dates if needed as well:

May 21st         6:00-9:00 Gull
June 4th          6:00-9:30 Pelican
July 2nd           6:00-9:30 Roosevelt
August 20th    6:00-9:00 WFC, Rabbit or Thunder
Sept 17th           4:00-7:30 N Long, Rice or Whitefish

By State Reg: All Pike between 22 & 26 inches must be immediately released. Two over 26 may be kept. Limit of 10 Pike under 22 inches is ENCOURAGED.

2020 Pike Rules:
·         All Pike between 22 & 26 inches will be photographed on a bump board (not a gunnel side ruler or tape measure…no exceptions} and released.
·         There will be no minimum on Pike. Up to 20 Pike per boat under 22 inches can be kept and 1/2 point will be awarded for each fish. (If all you have are fish under 22 inches, then four of them will receive 1 point each, thus creating a fill for the night…all others will receive ½ point) No measuring will be necessary, but all Pike must be counted and removed from the lake in order to receive the allotted points. (Putting them in a bucket rather than your live well may be a wise choice)
·         If you choose not to remove the fish, Pike under 22 inches will still be counted, but only 1 point per fish up to the “fill” amount of 4 will be counted. In other words, the old rules apply if you choose not to take the fish home.
This rule will also affect big fish points for the night. We will not use a photograph for determining big fish; only measured fish will be eligible, so it is possible that a Pike just under 22 inches could take the big fish pot. It’s also possible, that a Bass or Walleye could be big fish for the night.

EXCEPTION: If you catch a big fish and fear it will die if you keep it in your live well, a picture will be allowed to be used for the big fish pot. Take a picture of you holding the fish, and a picture of the fish on the bump board.

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