Sunday, May 31, 2020

Week 2 - Pelican - May 28, 2020

Hello fishing enthusiasts, dickheads and assholes. I hope you're all doing well, especially since we are making sure we follow the strict social distancing guidelines at the landing when we measure our fish. Actually, it was colder than a witches tit on the water, so I think C19 wouldn't have survived anyway.

I have a little bit of business to get to before we talk about the winners. As you know, the DNR wants us to keep up to 10 pike each under 20 inches. It seems there was a bit of confusion regarding the rules. In particular, the part about half points. We're not doing half points this year...that is just a plain pain in the ass. My spreadsheet isn't set up to handle half points, and I'm not going to change it so it can. Instead, we're going to do it like we did last year. We will keep a running total of all pike under 20, and the team with the most get's $50 at the end of the year. Got it? Good. BTW, Mark & Luther lead that right now with 6.

Net boy and I really suck at fishing, but ya know what? We already knew that going into this year, so it doesn't matter. Getting outside and being on the water with good friends is what really matters. So here are the fuckers that took cash out of their friends hands on Pelican. First off, it was the biggest 10 team total point night we've ever had on Pelican. There were a lot of fish caught, but Troy and Brent edged everyone else out with a nice 33 point night. That's pretty amazing since Troy told me they didn't have a walleye or pike with an hour to go, and those were the fish that put them over the top. Jamie and Chuck won the big fish pot by a quarter of an inch with a 29.25" Pike. Congrats guys.

Since I now know how many teams we have and everyone has paid their entry fee, here is the money breakdown for this year:

Money Breakdown: (based on 10 teams & 10 events)
·         Entry Fees                   $1500
·         Most Pike Caught       $50
·         Expenses                      $50
·         Nightly Winner           $750 ($75 per event)
·         Big Fish Pot                  $500 ($50 per event)
·         Year End 1st Place        $125

·         Year End 2nd Place       $75

We're on Edward next...June 11th from 6-9:30 so I'll see you then!

For current standings, click HERE
For event detail, click HERE

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